I'm into alternative and homepathicy myself but with heartworms, and even most of them will agree it's better to go the traditional route.
Heartworm is serious and deadly. It's best not to screw around with something like Clark's method especially when she doesn't even specialize in animals. There are reputable animal homepathics out there with years of experience and they wouldn't even recommend her method of worming. In the animal world, Clark is a quack. She doesn't even tell you that
Black-Walnut can be toxic and fatal to a dog if you do not know what you're doing yet every other website out there does.
Whichever way you decide to go, do your research. Find a local holistic or homepathic vet in your area and get a second opinion. Search the web and Yahoo Groups for some homeopathic or holistic dog/cat groups and talk to others who have been in your position and can speak from personal experience. But do not just start dosing with herbs for something that serious. Just because they are "natural", that no way means they are 100% safe and free of side effects.