****** By the way, EDTA is not a natural component. ALA is so natural that it is found in every single human body. It is possible, and much safer, to chelate using ALA alone as chelator.
I'm talking about the extreme health chelation formula (not the heart formula).
The chelation formula does not contain EDTA as has numerous clinical studies and explanation on each ingredient. (by the way i'm not endorsing the product but rather some of my personal usage and understanding of the product)
There's no doubt that chelation is a tricky procedure - you can't get the metals out unless you stir them out of place. In order to make chelation as safe as possible (theres always potential complications) is to have your elimination organs working efficiently (specially the kidneys, liver, and intestines).
It is recommended to do thorough cleanses as a preparation step.
I particularly think that you need to have specific nutrition while chelating so it's important to have a diet or even supplementation that aids the body during chelation procedure. For example supplementing chromium and other trace minerals may be very important as chelators (natural or synthetic) can deplete the resources.
ALA is a very important chelator that is very effective, but just as you should take Mg when supplementing Ca, you should introduce cofactors and other components that can optimize the ALA performance and supply nutrition to the body so that it reduces side effects.
Picking the product by extreme health was done via biofeedback analysis (as with most things I supplement with).
Biofeedback will allow me to have a good idea how beneficial something is, and out of all supplements, this natural chelation scored very high as in capable of doing something good at that specific point (dosage and timing is sensitive).
So if you can afford a naturopath to guide you during chelation, you will be able to know when to stop, when to reduce etc.