Wow, I am so sorry to hear about your distress.
I had the exact oposite reaction when I did the
Master-Cleanse for the first time. I was having nothing but trouble and pain with bleeding ulcers, which even under a doctors medication and care had me vomitting blood. I did the cleanse for 10 days and never looked back. At first the cayenne was a little hard on my ulcers, but that went away after day 3. After that it was smooth sailing. On coming off I fond the bleeding had stopped altogether and I never had a pain again. My doctor, needless to say, was utterly baffled as to why I wasnt needing refills on my perscription acid blockers. Maybe I was lucky, but I dont think so. Based on my own experiences and those of many others I know personally, not to mention the 100's if not 1000's of people I have read about in the forums over the years, I would say your situation is certainly not the norm. I have read here many times that the most important thing about this program or any, is to do what is best for you. Unfortunate as it is, you may have to look at other method of cleaning to get the same effect.
Everybody is different I guess. What works for one may not work for another. I hope you find something else which will not give you these problems.