He might have gilberts syndrome or something similar where the liver struggles to absorb fat. It might not be an obvious problem because a lot of people have it unaware. Currently 5-10% of the population have it. Its a much bigger problem than the modern medical profession realise and people need to watch their diet if they have it.
To test for this, go to the doctor and have a simple liver function test. Its free. They will measure the biliruben in the blood. If there is any biliruben it is a sign of a problem. It should be 0. Jaundiced people have upto 70. Mines at 40 and the gastroenterologist has just confiremd i have gilberts syndrome. WARNING - The doctor may dismiss it as ok, but just because its not extremely high and your not ill they think there isnt a problem when there is. Ask your doctor very nicely for a print out of the result and take it to a nutritionist or preferably a naturopath.
Another test you can do is a CDSA (comprehensive disgestive stool analysis). This can show the level of absorptions of fat. Though this is quite expensive you can pay upto £200 but it is a really good indicator of other issues like bacteria overgrowth in the bowel and candida etc.
If indeed you have it, I can only suggest you do see a nutritionist to help build an optimum program to maximise weight gain.
Things that help the liver.
1) liver flush
2) chinese medicine - the stuff you boil yourself, and drink twice a day for a week
3) turmeric
4) apples
5) sacromyces boulardi probiotic. Primal Defense ultra is expensive but is the best comprehensive probiotic I have used.
6) drink 4-5 pints of filtered (not britta, from a GAC filter to Reverse osmosis) water day
7) Consider removing any
Amalgam fillings if you have them by a specialist mercury free dentist. Then after 3 months begin oral chelation (Andy Cutler protocol) to cleanse your body of mercury and other heavy metals as these can seriously damage your liver and might be the cause of digestive problems amongst many other problems.
Good luck