i will try to make this short...ha ha... i am 39 now and extremely fatigued...when i was 27 my gyno did a blood exam and didnt tell me till i was 31 after another blood work up that he didnt think much of it but my adrenal glands were functioning at the age of a 72-78 year old woman... he figured the first exam was just some stress and had advised me to take up some yoga or meditation but 4 yrs later it still came back as high levels of cortisol in the am and later on in the day....to this date it still is over 560 mmol/L in the am. the highest was 790mmol/L...
he did talk about DHEA but didnt want me to start(he thought i was too young for it) though he did think i would benefit greatly from it, he deterred me and advised again to start to meditate and more yoga which i had began already and was quite active in....
i was catorgorized as "wired but tired" i could run marathons but was so fatigued at the same time...my symptoms are:
- i awake with anxiety everyday and just before sleep i get ansious
- lifts around 11-12pm in the day
- brain fog, can not concentrate or read a book...
- irritated
- emotions up and down throughout the day...honestly minutes to minutes
- my anxiety levels are significantly less over the past 2 years but the fatigue has increased along with mid section weight gain
- when i get my period i become worse about 3 days after 1st day of menses till i ovulate
there is absolutely no reason for me to be feeling wired..the pain orginates in my mid back around my kidney area to the front...you could almost put a stick right through me and the points are identical in the front and back...sometimes i cant seem to get enough air/breath in me...
i was diagnosed with epilepsy 2 years ago and the seizures seem to occur only during my sleep and not that often...now the neurologist did say that anxiety is a symptom of epilepsy but the symptoms i have had have been exactly the same for the past 12 yrs...and i am not getting any relief from the chronic fatigue and discomfort of mid back pain that seems to be internal not muscular...
i eat organically
i just finished
The Master Cleanse 2 1/2 weeks ago
oil pull upon waking
i drink wheatgrass in the morning just after pulling
then toast with "celentro pesto" to detox more metals if i have any
i am also starting to drink apple juice to prepare my kidneys for the Liver Flush...
does this make sense to anyone? i just want to feel better....:(
please help with any feedback
thanks for reading/responding