Well, I have recently finished my antifungals, ending with GSE. I believe that I am cleaner now than I have been in years.
I am currently working on rebuilding. I am using probiotics, digestive enzymes, and HCl. My thrush, has been up and down, so I have opted to work on it directly instead of hoping that it will improve with my systemic efforts.
For my thrush, I have resorted to some old fashioned, tried and true methods. I am using 3-5 drops of Iosol
Iodine to gargle each night, after which I am painting gentian violet on the back of my tongue. This method is proving to be very effective, as after 3 days of it, my thrush is fading daily with no significant rebounds overnight or during the day. My sinuses have remained clear, and in fact are clearer since beginning the
Iodine gargle. (Sidebar: since adding the iodine, I have had a noticeable improvement in my temp. regulation, my dry skin is healed, and my breakouts have healed, with a minimum of stragglers. Also, my 15 year old thyroid nodule has shrunk by half. I am presently taking 4 drops of Iosol per day.) I have also used
H2O2 (Hydrogen-Peroxid) in my ears to prevent a die-off cold and sore throat which appeared to be surfacing after beginning the gargle. All of these techniques are producing the best results I have yet experienced in my sinus/throat areas.
My use of the probiotics, enzymes, and HCl are also producing notable improvements in my digestion. My intestinal bloat which began before my cleanse, and continued until a day or two after starting the probiotics, has disappeared. All bloating is gone, even after eating starchy foods and fruits. I have observed that I have better results if I take my digestive enzymes shortly before or right when I begin eating, then take my HCl shortly before the end of my meal. It seems to prevent some of the bloating I was experiencing after meals, and results in less acidic symptoms further down my GI tract and bladder. I am able to achieve good digestive results with 2-3 capsules per meal. I also take the enzymes between meals to help clean my system after all this candida cleansing. Under this protocol, I have become bold enough to add 1/2 teaspoon of my liquid 3-6-9 EFA's about every other day. So far, no signs of dryness or breakouts.
My skin has been quite improved these last few days, and I'm just hoping that the improvements will continue. I'll keep you posted as time goes on. I'm hoping that at this point, the probiotics and HCl will keep the candida in check, and allow my GI tract to heal. I have removed all antifungals, and hope that I can keep it that way, but I am prepared to fight again if I must. I am getting amazing results from the iodine, and believe that that alone will keep the candida down both orally and intestinally.