molly bloom
My husband and I kicked the coffee habit by switching to green tea for awhile. It was the best thing we ever did, because our heartburn (and my husbands acid stomach and bad breath) started going away pretty quickly.
Then, after a month or so, we gave up the green tea too.
What we drink is a green powder (I use Greens First which doesn't taste too bad). We mix this with Goji Juice, Emerg-C and Cayenne every morning. The cayenne really has a laxative effect...and it's bracing! Actually, we have changed to African Bird Pepper because soon the cayenne seemed too mild.
That is our basic formula, and we add and subtract things (such as Dandelion, Kidney tinctures from Moritz, ginger tincture...etc).
Believe me, whatever you put in the concoction, the pepper wipes out the taste, so you can really go for it.
Now, we have coffee occasionally. A few times I walked into the grocery store and could smell it brewing, and asked my husband if he wanted a cup. He said no, not really. Now this was a die hard, espresso and the strongest Peets Coffee guy out there. At least 3 cups a day. He said the rewards are not worth the pain. I couldn't agree with him more.
Ah, but I miss the taste.......sigh.