Wow! There is a lonely forum. I have been lurking on the
Master-Cleanse forum and a few others, and I was almost at the point where I was going to post these thoughts about loneliness on the
Master-Cleanse forum, but I decided not to be that far off topic, so I went to the curezone homepage, and what do I see right next to my favorite fasting and cleansing forums? Something about loneliness! How kewl! Anyway, here is what I was just thinking:
I'm sitting here looking at my phone. It could connect me to the whole world, yet I have no-one to talk to. How much richer must people have been before banking and religion, when they had an entire village of maybe 50 people to talk to whenever they wanted?
People supposedly lived very natural lives for millions of years, and I manage to be born into the barely 10,000 years where the scam has progressed so far that I can't even find one woman to spend one night out of the month with me; unless I'm willing to pay for it financially in one way or another.
I'm tired of the pain. Years of rejection, thousands of attempts; I got sort of lucky twice in the last 15 years, at least that's what I thought until I tried to see her again.
Some of you are thinking I must be ugly. The others will have replaced that kind of thought with something like, everyone is beautiful and perfect. I know I'm not much more dispicable than the next person. It's a sick world, and I'm tired of disease.