After I had porcelan, which are NOT really porcelan, "veneers" and other biotoxic composite dental work done I started having 7 day a week migraines that nothing I tried could help. I took aspirin all the time because the migraines from the dental metals was so bad, I even used willow bark to make my own aspirin to deal with the migraines to no avail.
Dr. H. Clarks books opened my eyes to the exact hazards in the composite dental materials that were bio poisoning me and how the lanthanides, azo dye, etc in toxic dental material harmed the body, so I got all that junk out of my mouth. The migraines disappeared after the dental metals were removed. I have not needed aspirin since removing the dental metals.
On the orange juice distilled water fast, my skin flaked off and cleared up three times so far, each layer of skin that sloughed off revealed tiny blackheads and small oil clogged pores underneath that came out my skin, unexpectedly an old birthmark/mole blistered on my face and then just started to crumble and fall off about the 3rd week and an old scar I had from a dog bite festered up and seemed to discharge and then began healing over. I used comfrey tea and comfry poltice's to calm my skin when the mole/birthmark and dog bite scar were dissolving and took the herb baths MH writes about on the barefoot site.
It seems the body knows what junk, scars, deposits,clogs, etc, it wants to get rid of and works on those things when it wants, as it, the body, sees fit. We just have to get the intracellular and cellular junk ( bad food, bad water, breathing bad quality air, pollution, etc ) out the way and let the bodies natural intelligence do its own cleaning, healing and regeneration work.
My hair got a lot thicker during the fast and my scalp felt/feels better. I used only food/herb homemade natural hair washes and rinses. My skin cleared up and got smoother then I have ever seen it.
Energy is up too. I used to sleep 8 or more hours, while fasting, it seems I only need 6 hours or so hours of sleep.
Also, my attitude is improving. I was impossible when I suffered migraines, and was not much better when I was bloated /clogged with food, now after a few weeks fasting I feel calmer,lighter, healthier and in general have a much better and happier attitude.
If MH were here I would give him a BIG HUG. smile
Thank MH, for reminding me, us, about the age old remedies that work! And turning me, us, onto great authors that know what they are talking about and get good results.
Take Care,
After I had porcelin, which are NOT really porcelin, "veneers" and other biotoxic composite dental work done I started having 7 day a week migraines that nothing I tried could help. I took aspirin all the time because the migraines from the dental metals was so bad, I even used willow bark to make my own aspirin to deal with the migraines to no avail.
Dr. H. Clarks books opened my eyes to the exact hazards in the composite dental materials that were bio poisoning me and how the lanthanides, azo dye, etc in toxic dental material harmed the body, so I got all that junk out of my mouth. The migraines disappeared after the dental metals were removed. I have not needed aspirin since removing the dental metals.
On the orange juice distlled water fast, my skin flaked off and cleared up three times so far, each layer of skin that sloughed off revealed tiny blackheads and small oil clogged pores underneath that came out my skin, unexpectedly an old birthmark/mole blistered on my face and then just started to crumble and fall off about the 3rd week and an old scar I had from a dog bite festered up and seemed to discharge and then began healing over. I used comfrey tea and comfry poltice's to calm my skin when the mole/birthmark and dog bite scar were dissolving and took the herb baths MH writes about on the barefoot site.
It seems the body knows what junk, scars, deposits,clogs, etc, it wants to get rid of and works on those things when it wants, as it, the body, sees fit. We just have to get the intracellular and cellular junk ( bad food, bad water, breathing bad quality air, pollution, etc ) out the way and let the bodies natural intelligence do its own cleaning, healing and regeneration work.
My hair got a lot thicker during the fast and my scalp felt/feels better. I used only food/herb homemade natural hair washes and rinses. My skin cleared up and got smoother then I have ever seen it.
Energy is up too. I used to sleep 8 or more hours, while fasting, it seems I only need 6 hours or so hours of sleep.
Also, my attitude is improving. I was impossible when I suffered migraines, and was not much better when I was bloated /clogged with food, now after a few weeks fasting I feel calmer,lighter, healthier and in general have a much better and happier attitude.
If MH were here I would give him a BIG HUG. smile
Thank MH, for reminding me, us, about the age old remedies that work! And turning me, us, onto great authors that know what they are talking about and get good results.
Take Care,