<<<"They believe they are serving and obeying God. They also believe that no matter what they do, because they are doing it for God, they will be rewarded in what they believe is a future eternal life in Heaven with the Lord. Thus, intellectual and rational thought is simply not a part of their mental process....
If you talk to them, most of them will speak the No-Choice party line from beginning to end. Don't bother to explain anything to them. They are not listening. They do not question anything, particularly their (Church) leaders because to question one of their leaders is tantamount to blasphemy....
>They are still peddling the same exclusive-access-to-God story that Martin Luther° protested about when he posted his famous "95 Theses" on the church door on October 31, 1517.<
Don't expect any of them to change their minds. They are trained to stop listening whenever they hear something that is counter to what their (Church) leaders preach....
The problems with the Anti-Choice movement stem from:
the underlying, unquestioned assumptions that are
accepted as facts --
believing as factual, things that defy logic, reason and
common sense.">>>
Read about it here: