This has been my best
Master-Cleanse so far, in spite of the killer headache for 2 days early on. After 5 days I was down 13.5
pounds and over 5"! I am feeling great and have energy. I had to work today, and I wanted to share a funny story...
I took an extra bottle (20 oz) with me because this particular interview can run over 2 hours. My respondent is familiar with my weight loss and I have given her the recipe, but she's never tried it before. When she saw me she commented on how great I looked, and asked if I was still doing my lemonade thing. I said I was, and that I had even brought some with me. When I pulled out my bottle, she was SO excited, hugged me, thanked me for it and put it in her fridge for later! I guess she thought I brought it for her...
So, I'm home now, drinking numbers 3 and 4 together because I am feeling just a bit hungry. I hope she likes it enough to try it for herself!