Thank you to those of you who answered my post! I know it's not a "ton" of wieght to loose, but for my hieghth (sp?)'s showing bad. Now I realize that I jumped into this a bit hastily, not really asking or checking things out, (how to fast, ect.) just read a few things online about it and thought, hey this will do it!! I should have prepared for it first, but I haven't eaten today and that's good, it's four in the afternoon!! The last time I tried, (last week,) i couldn't make it that long. I didn't have the correct have three teenagers and they are always eating...smelling the food just killed me.
I don't have any tendnacies towards bullemia or anorexia, though, to answer that last post? But I did visit some sights, believe it or not because I was so desperate,that are "pro-anorexia"! These are young girls telling each other how to starve themselves. People who are already weighing about 107 pounds!
I've read about the benifits of fasting. And I want to find out for myself if they are true, and if I can have that willpower and control over what i put in my mouth,again, like I used to. I don't know if binging is the correct term for what I've been doing, all I can say is I know that eating whatever i wanted with wild abandon, has put this weight on me, and I've been good at making exuses for a while now. "I'll start dieting tomorrow"..."I'll exercise and burn it off"....if i keep up at this rate, I'm just going to keep gaining and I don't want that, it's so hard to loose it. I want to establish normal eating habbits again! If i want a brownie, just be able to eat ONE not three or four....does that make any sence?!
So even though I didn't prepare for it- i find myself feeling very proud for making it this long, have been drinking green tea and water, and i don't know if this is good or bad but i got some pedialyte. Anyone know if that's still considered fasting?
I have only felt really hungry a couple of times, and don't know if I'm already supposed to feel "week"..but right now, I do feel real tierd. Is that normal>
I'll keep coming here and posting.....I like it here! And, went with my daughter to try on clothes today (boyfreind coming back and all)and the fives and sixes that i used to wear---well, had to move to the9's and even those jeans were soooo tight on my that motivated me more. I took a multivitamin this morning too...
It's not my boyfreind I'm doing it for, hontestly, Atomic-Blonde, it's me...because yes i want to look good for him.. but i will be misserable and make him misserable if the whole time we are together my self esteem is as yucky as it is right now. I want to feel good about myself once more...but i saw a hostess truck today...and boy that cupcake on the side of the truck looked so pretty!! Not as pretty as a size six pair of jeans though, right?! Sorry so long...I'm going to keep reading these posts on here for encouragement~