Hi there..
You say you want to feel normal again, though I have to say that normal for most women who are not on the pill is heavy periods, PMT, mood swings associated with ovulation..
Most of my friends who come off the pill say they are miserable because they had forgotten what it was like to be "normal" again..
The mirena is great for some women, it is a long term contraceptive and the dosage of hormones you receive are a FRACTION of what you subject yourself to with oral contraceptives. This is because the hormone is released topically directly into the uterus. The first 3-6 months for most women are not a lot of fun, as you have read bleeding/abdominal pain is the most common complaint. Your body needs to adjust to it. After this, for most of those people who stick with it, it is a great method of non intrusive birth control. And yes - no periods, which is fabulous.
I would never go as far as recommending anything, as what works for some does not for others. A copper IUD will give you much more painful periods, especially if you have not had children (I had one for 7 years and every period was a nightmare... once again, what is normal)
It's really up to you to decide on whether the first few difficult months are worth it, for myself I would definitely say yes.