yes i think you might be.
she might have her own personal reasons for changing
her profile and ratehr than ttell you aspects of her
life, felt ti easier to say sucha nd such..
women and men do this allteh time.. it was nto a purposeful
lie TO YOU.
she has clearly stated and so ahve you that neither oen of youwant a relationship beond friends.
and as yousay don't seem to really share much of similar
interests anyhow not doyou see her as a potential lif epartner.
so i guess i woudl ask why bother meeitn in public at all?
if youfeel she might use that as a male magenet thign..?
froma womans point of view.. and i beign 45 almost 46
i don't thik that many women that age woudl think like that
/ thoi am sure younger women would.
espif you ar ein a profile band etc.. let s face it..
you are goign to ahve tha tin evye rone aroudn you then..
the constant wondering ..what'sinit for them.. are hteyreally my friend etc.
i knew a gu once that was a rela bum/ (when i was bout 20) he drove a beat upcar.. dressed in reg old clothes and ate odd thigns for food/ and allteh otehr girls thoguthe was a jerk and a bum/ and activel took verbal shots at him whielthey climbed ther rivatel littel materail ambition ladder of guys they thoguth *worhty of them *
welli was alwaysjstu friend with him/ and thogutthey were petty bitches. i di dnot vie whim roamntically nor did i spend tiem with him outsdi eof work, but he was a relaly nice an funnyguy and vertainly extrmelyineeligent/ i veyrmuch enjoyed talkign tohim.
wellone night hi scar ahd broke downand he aske dme to driv ehimtog et a part/and then to also followhim home/ since if his car broek down or police stopped him cause of car problems, i woudl be behind him to confirm we were just tryin g to get teh car tohis house.. and to park it..
well we pulled upthe the biggest house i ahve seen on a atreet wher elallthe rich folsk lived.
and he came aroudn and said thanks he really appreciateed it... and i said jeff, is this your house? and he sai dyes.. (yacht in bakc swiiming pool on a privete canal etc..)
and is adi , umm ithogut you live din liek a trailer or soemthing the way youtalked.. and he said nope.
and i said why did he dressa dnact liek her did and drive sucha junker then?
and he aid he like sot knwo who his rela friedns are.
so youar ein kinda asmimilar boat.
if youare as public as youseem toinfer.. mos tfolsk woudl lvoe jstu to be abl e to say see...? i relaly dO knwothi person.. etc youknwo wha ti am talkign bout.
so why teh need ot meet publically?
i think if it was me i woudl just sty email friends and chit caht about regualr thigns.. but if youtruly feel compromised.. remember ANYONE can keep your letters and use them later and say see what i got form so and so etc...
so as the guy in Primus says .. take the necessary precautions,
caus etheone sittign next toyoumight not be whohe appears tobe. *)
best toyou .(i foudn tha t out mysefl the hard way lol !)
i guess tha ti whyi am still soterrifed of anyone..