The recommended daily amount for ingesting virgin coconut oil is 3.5 tablespoons. I am going to go for 4 tablespoons, just to make it even and so I get the fullest benefits of the oil. :) I think perhaps ingesting it throughout the day will provide more metabolic burn but am not certain of this theory yet as I have not found any evidence to back it up.
Tropical Traditions, Wilderness Family Naturals, and Coconut Supreme are all good locations to get quality virgin coconut oil. Coconut Supreme has the lowest prices on small quanties--pint and quart, whereas Wilderness has the best prices on larger quanties in all other sizes. Tropical Traditions has free shipping on order over $50 but Wilderness' is still cheaper with shipping to my location. And I have been more pleased with Wilderness' customer service. But that is just my preference, Tropical is still a good oil. --Caitlin Lorraine