I cannot take kefir, why?
because kefir has YEAST in it and I am VERY allergic to yeast.
I dont know why they are not telling people it has yeast
in it. MANY that have rampant candida are allergic or
sensitive to yeast. Some are not, and do very well with kefir.
Some however can get mighty sick from kefir.
I used kefir for 2 days, and has such asthma, hayfever and throat swelling it was terrible. I thought it was a healing crisis so kept at it. I eventually stopped and got better days later.
I am fine with diary. I make my own homemade yogurt, and had
terrible healing crisis with this, but then better.
I did not have the ashtma or throat swelling.
When I had candida really bad, yeasty breads sent me into an asthmatic state for hours, as well as throat swelling.
Kefir I read has a yeast that is like the sacromecies cervesais.
This is like brewers yeast or bakers yeast. I am allergic to this.
I would def get off it and use the homemade yogurt.
I had an allergy to dairy when candida was at its worse.
Some dont do well with dairy, blood types O. I am a blood type B.
Some are just allergic to dairy, or sensitive to it.
SOME though are fine with dairy once the good bacteria in their intestines is restored. Some get an allergy to dairy AFTER a course of
Antibiotics , or after many courses of
Antibiotics , this is because
Antibiotics wipe out ALL friendly bacteria, which you may know. Restore good bacteria in you, and you may be fine to tolerate dairy. I am not a fan on too much dairy, but some do very well with dairy.
take care,