Where (places?) is it written that an investigative device must have a permit? In what context and when and for whom were those rules passed? Maybe someone knows more about this in some general sense.
If people are going to pass laws about what you can experiment with before you experiment with it, that would be to condemn something before you can try it to see what actually happens. Why do they need to remove equipment in order for a permit to be purchased? It appears, in my opinion, someone has a need to condemn before the facts are in view. Did people like Edison need a permit to experiment with different types of filaments to see which one would work in a light bulb without it burning out in a few seconds or blackening the blub interior?
Science would not get anywhere if they needed a permit
for everything they thought up and wanted to try out.
This makes me wonder why you need a permit to sell ordinary things. Where do you draw the line? And like the other post, I wonder how and where the complaint, if there is one, origninated. Did the idea for the complaint originate in the mind of some special committee? They often do.
When congress enacted the original law that created the FDA, in 1906 I think, they were empowered to search and investigate the PURITY of FOOD and to find it free from presevatives (like the
benzoates ) and the like. Now they are investigating devices.
That wasn't the reason the FDA was created.
In an age of consumerism, I don't see why they have a right to say someone can't buy a zapper anymore than they can say someone can't buy a battery for a watch, radio or car.
If the FDA said that everyone who buys a zapper has been brainwashed already, how do they know this?
What is so important (about this matter) that it has to be done at this point in time? Why now?
definitions for those who find them useful:
brain.......... the whitish, soft mass in the skull in which are the nerve centers
...........................brainwash - to effect a radical change in beliefs by
..............................intensive indoctrination -
invest.........to lay out capital with a view to profit
...............to clothe, as with office or authority
...............to dress
...............to lay seige to
...............to make a purchase or an investment
...............the act of investing
...............the capital invested to produce interest or profit
...............[from the Latin "investire" to clothe]
investigate....to inquire into
...............to examine thorougly
...............[from the Latin "vestigare," to track]
wash...........[has lengthly definition,here's two] to free from dirt with water&soap
...............[colloquial] failure or fiasco as in "It's a wash."