it is not in the wondering/ but the knowing.
probably you do have
parasites since we often do not get it checked/ and many
parasites don't show up on tests.
i myself use the
Clarkia extra strength tincture
www.sbherbalremedies.com it is easy to use, effective/ clear to understand instructions/ and treats candida also and can be used on kids and animals (comes with wt chart/ to figure for them )
after going thru the 8 week treatment ( 2 weeks use / one week rest, repeat ) then after the 11 weeks total time has passed you goto a maintenance once a week /one dose.
parasites are a cause for many illness and toxins and disease. it makes sens to spend a few bucks treating the cause / rather than endless trips to a doctor treating the symptoms.
also another good item to consider is oil of oregano.
you can do a search read on it /is effective against 137 diff parastes viruses/ bacteria etc and kills the parasites that the other dewormers don't. the best deal i have found on this was at a web given me from BOB at curezone team forum.
www.drchristopher.isbrilliant.com search oil of oregano and the
natures answer brand lists 55 % carvocal if you typein the order code the word/ topsmedia you will get free shipping.
i have used this in my ears (add a drop olive oil to it so it does not burn) cause many small parasites liv ein our ears.
my son has swiped it lightly (sm drop on q tip dippe din oilive oil) in his nose/ stopped sneezign form dust immeditately.
it will burn!!! so don't use it on skin unless dilute it a bit with another oil/ put a few drops in your shampoo/etc read up on it / the 1 fl
oz bottel usign jsut one drop here and there lasts quite a while.
good luck to you
Ami B.