Last night I tried my first liver flush. The reason for which has been recent gallbladder attacks caused by 2-3
Gallstones (confirmed by ultrasound). Prior to undergoing surgery, I thought I'd try the flush.
First, the
Epsom Salt and water cocktail is quite awful. I did not try to mitigate the taste, but I recommend trying to do so.
Second, the olive oil and grapefruit juice cocktail wasn't bad at all. I used 3/4 cup of ruby red freshly squeezed grapefruits with the olive oil, and it went down very easily. A bit of an olive oil aftertaste, but not nearly as bad as I had expected.
Third, the night wasn't that bad. My abdomen certainly made a lot of funny noises, and lying on my back for an extended period wasn't a barrel of monkeys (I'm a side sleeper), but still not nearly as bad as I had expected.
Fourth, in the morning, I had the expected BM, and there were plenty of green pellets. I use the word pellet, because I'm not convinced that these are really stones. Mine appear to be quite mushy with the consistency of regular poo. Not what I would expect of "stones". Time will tell if this was nothing more than congeled olive oil, epsom salt, grapefruit juice, and stomach juices. I certainly hope it was really stones, and those few
Gallstones in particular, but as I sit here after lunch and am experiencing the familiar lump in the back of my throat, which has accompanied my gallbladder attacks recently, I am not optimistic. Nevertheless, I should have access to quite the array of fatty foods to run a test this holiday weekend.
If anyone else out there has suffered gallbladder attacks and had them truly go away after a liver flush, please respond to that effect in this forum.
Thank you,
Chexi (not Chexy).