Fantastic! You gathered up your courage, faced your fears, and stepped on out there!
Whether he calls or not is actually secondary. YOU just took a really big step forward and don't you forget it!
It'll get easier from here. Just be yourself and focus on what is best to make you your best and everything else will fall in place. And no, that's not self-centered - your health, physical, mental, emotional, the whole package is the best present you can give yourself. When you're healthy and comfortable in your own skin, it shines through and helps people be more comfortable around you. Like a simple smile can pass from soul to soul improving everyone's day just a little.
Anywhich, it's scary getting back into the whole scene again after many years comfortably sitting out of the game. Congratulations for going for it, well done, Bravo!
{and if he doesn't call, it's his loss! ;) }