This is a perfect reason not to get too serious with a girl until late in your 20's, people. If she HAS to go clubbing, let her...don't get so deep with someone that HAS to do something that makes you angry and frustrated. This isn't the one. But don't dump her, just realize it for what it is...a good lay, some good times, whatever. Read my opinion on "guys as friends" and you'll see how much trouble that causes. When a woman wants to club here and there is basically lessoning the emotional tie between you. Acknowledge that. If you went to the strip club with the guys, would she have a problem with that? Oh I know it's not the same thing ladies, but would she have a problem with that? Of course she would. Clubbing with other dudes is the same thing in a guy's eyes. You out there bumping and grinding another's sack ain't what I call "just having fun". Rachet down your emotional tie to her a few notches and open your eyes.