I am so busy with many things going on that I did not want to answer to Lapis about what he said:
“My point was and still is, (for those who missed it) that porn is prevalent in the very book that some grab their truths from and use to pierce daggers at others.”
However, I decided to answer.
I am Christian. I have read my bible since I was 12 years old. For me it was then like reading a book of adventures. Later when I matured I began to understand more and more.
Now when I read Mathews or Luke I can help feeling so touched by few words.
Why the bible has references to sex, death, war, lies, etc?
Because it tells the history of the relationship of human beings with God and relationship of human beings among ourselves. It treats the human being as it is and gives the guidance needed given that nature, given that the original “design’ of human beings was distorted by the introduction of sin.
It has everything humans beings can do and be: honesty, courage, faith and the opposite: death, pain, diseases, excess, lust etc. You cannot reject the very nature of humanity trying to understand spirituality. We need to understand human behavior as it is to understand why we needed a savior and faith.
Nobody could understand the meaning of Jesus death on the Cross if we do not understand that of all those terrible behaviors that lead to suffering “war, injustice, pain etc “ are produced by women and men far from God.
However: it does not describe sexual issues or war issues with the intention of offering enjoyment through the narration of those acts. It describes those acts and the consequences of them related to God and to the people.
Wars produce suffering. The situation described in Sodoma and Gomorra produced suffering and pain, because those men allowed themselves to pursue sexual satisfaction without any limit or boundary. The injustice produced by the powerful and the arrogant people taking advantage of the weak, ill and poor.
It describes the disequilibrium of the society where people orients their life toward the satisfaction of their desires.
I am so disappointed by this attack to the bible, arguing that the bible contains porn. It is a very poor argument that just shows a very biased point of view. Using specific points to attack Christianity using false arguments trying to create confusion. The bible is not porn. It is not there to produce sexual excitement or to promote sexual satisfaction.
By other hand, Now I can question How is it that sexuality according Osho is a “spiritual experience” and the description of what Onan did is porn? How is it that Lapis cannot see the meaning and the teachings of what the bible says but can understand so well what Osho meant?
Jesus came to teach us how to behave in such a way that the suffering would not exist if every person could apply the “ Love your enemy” and we could respect other peoples rights, feelings, needs and believes.
Using false arguments to attack peoples believes is very disappointing.