Hi everyone,
My husband and I started taking
Clarkia as directed on the 5th of May, We started taking Holistic Horizons Bulking Formula III on the 7th and started the cleansing tablets yesterday.
My husband is going alot and has had promising success. I have had problems with lots of internal warring, nausea, lack of appetite and severe constipation. I was hoping the bulking agent as a laxative would help, but nothing. I have had a few meager movements with spiders and lots of mucous, but I can't seem to get past this severe constipation. I have tried an enema and still no results, just bad nausea.
I have backed off the
Clarkia and have less grumbling and cramping,and did manage to pass a bit more, but not nearly enough.
I'm concerned about blockage, but worse than that I keep imagining this block of nasty worms with big suction mouths clinging on for dear life.
I am certain that the
Clarkia is killing something that shouldn't be there, but How can I get it out??? any suggestions?