Hi Gale,
Pork is one item that the
Blood Type Diet lists as avoid for all blood types, and Pork is also the one thing that muslims and Israelis agree you should not eat. with all that going against you, wow.
not taking into account hormones and caged up issues, there is also a very good reason.
a Pig basically eats itself to death. You know when you eat way too much and you feel that all sick and tired "poison" feeling. That's the daily life of a pig. that snorting and moaning a pig does is because they are in pain, and there body is sending out toxins that end up in their fat and muscles. Because of this daily abuse, the pig only lives 5-6 years before it dies from all the toxic poisons it abused it's body with. (goats, sheep live into their teens) Then we eat it. Really does not make sense.