Hi Cany
Probiotics literally means "agent for life" versus
Antibiotics which means "against life".
Doctors in the past and even now are very fond of using
Antibiotics to treat and cure health problems.
Antibiotics are indiscrimminate chemicals/drugs that kills off all living organizms in the body, particularly in the GI tract.
We need the help of friendly bacteria (lactic acid bacteria) or probiotics to help our digestive system break down food that we eat so that the body can absorb and be nourished. Furthermore, the good bacteria also produces natural antibiotics that help eliminate and eradicate harmful and pathogenic bacteria. In the process the good bacteria also reacts with food to produce organic acids that not only nourishes the body but help eliminate toxins from the body.
Probiotics are very natural and vital for our health. That is why it is found in mother's milk. The good bacteria help to stimulate the baby's immune system and help it mature so that the child is protected from health problems. Reason why it is so important to breast feed the baby and such children tend to be stronger (health-wise).