Hey guys,
I was wondering how risky it is to do a
Liver Flush when one is a bit constipated starting out. Andreas Mortiz says you need to get a
colonic before AND after the flush to reduce the chance of nausea. But I'm having a hard time scheduling one for friday.
Good Friday, that is. It's almost eery the parallel that is going on here: Jesus faces death (a scary process) to free the world from death. And here I am facing my first flush (a scary process) to save, well, ME from death!!!
Okay, so I guess it's sounds sacreligous --not to mention SILLY-- to compare my life with a PROPHET'S, but I couldn't help noticing that my first flush falls on Good Friday. I sure hope it really will turn out to be good --as far as my flush goes, that is.
Who knows? Maybe a healthier new me will soon be RESURRECTED!? Okay, I'll quit this banter before people start thinking I am making a mockery of Easter --which I am NOT, by the way!
Back to my questions. I was also wondering at what point should one expect to get the diareeah from the
Epsom Salts ? If I am not going by Midnight --which is when I will take the OO+lemon juice drink, should I be concerned? WIll that set me up for nausea during the night?
I do have a
colonic scheduled for Monday to make sure all the stones get out of me. But I'm just worried about this constipation. (I started up on Threelac Candida Defense again recently and whenever I do this I get constipation with my die off --and yes, I am currently cutting back on that for the flush.)
Thank you everyone! --Scarlet.