I'm happy to answer any questions you have! I'm often surprised at how people would rather talk about anything else but bowel stuff. Now, let me see if I can answer your questions:
My primary problem has always been constipation. This is somewhat hereditary (I've just started my dad on the #1 as he has similar issues). However, that said, I also often had a panopoly of other problems - chronic lower GI upset, food poisoning at the drop of a hat and all the intestinal hell that this entails, so I really got the worst of both worlds. But first and foremost, the constipation. With cramps so bad it would double me over and I would break out in a cold sweat shortly before grabbing a novel and trundling off to the loo. The funny thing is, I never associated my symptoms with constipation. I developed a horrible pain in my side (at 16 I went to the emergency room and they could not tell me what was wrong) that lasted on and off for about 15 years.
Let me also add in that I developed a nice case of chronic
Depression and extreme fatigue those years.
So I first read the entire story of
Dr. Schulze because at this point I was skeptical of everything (thank you conventional medecine). I liked what he had to say, and I got the #1 and #2 and the superdfood. Here's the neat part:
I went every day - yay! Then I started to go 2 times a day. Then, I started to notice that the pain in my side went away. Then, I realized that I was sleeping like a baby every night. Whoa! My health insurance got cancelled and I went off antidepressants prior to starting the regimen. Well, I noticed that my mood was level and better than ever even WITH the antidepressants. So, all of these so-called incidental ailments were being taken care of.
Sorry to be rambling - let me address your question re: #1. I did not have cramps when taking it. I have always been terrified of laxatives and was a bit scared to try this stuff at first. But the beauty of it is, I think since it is all natural stuff, there was nothing to worry about. No rushing to the bathroom, no diarrea. No straining or gripping the bathroom counter! My cramps before seemed to be coming from just an incredibly impacted bowel. Now, I have no pain at all. Ever. And my gut seems to be shrinking a bit and it feels more a part of my body. And I'm no saint either when it comes to food. Cheese, chocolate, breads. I am trying to work on my diet, but the #1 formula is strong enough that even with my crappy eating habits it keeps trucking and I am amazed that I can still go once or twice a day. I used to go every 5-8 days.
At first my movements (after taking #1) were pretty foul and large and dark, but it was great to get all that (pardon the expression) crap out of my system. Now, I made a mistake with #2. I did not take it exactly per instructions so it really didn't do much for me. I did it again, this time taking it 5 times a day like it says, and I could tell that all the really accumulated stuff was gradually and gently shaking loose from my system. Over time, I have also lost some weight which is another great bonus.
I now have made my own #1 and #2 from herbs at my local herb store for fun, and I just can't tell you how much my life has changed. So many little things. I can actually wake up in the morning and be cheerful and happy. I used to be horrible and grumpy and awful. I never understood what it was to have a good night's sleep before - I had always been plagued by insomnia or sluggishness.
Anyway, I'm glad you're on the #1 and good luck with #2 - I highly recommend the superfood as well!