" While this is an excellent article, on the probable zoonotic, ethiology of,this so called SARS epidemic;it is entirerly devoid, of a therapeutic mechanism, for overcoming, its fatal, and variant, disease producing motions.
Before one can clearly understand, exactly, what is happening; one must enable themselves, towards the acceptance, of a more comprehensive, and valid, individualized interpretation, of its correct causative factors.
Ninty Nine,Point Nine Percent, of all, of the twenty first century disease syndromes, are primarily induced, by a complete lack of basic knowledge, pertaining to, our natural, and proper,augmentation, within the realms of physiological biochemistry.
Enough, about cause, or definitions; it is now time, to put our heads together, and first, stop its lethal spread, reverse its pathology, and finally cure this iatrogenic plague.
The common cold, can not exist in a balanced immunological state.
Only, when our normal immune system defenses, become negatively compromised, can these lower forms of life, gain a foothold, within our bodies.
Since, we all are, what we eat, then the curative solution, is near at hand.
This entity, named SARS, is in all reality, nothing more than, a lethal, and colonized toxic state, which has over come our immune potentials.
In my personal opinion, it bears resemblance to another,
auto-immune disease, very similar in nature, to the so called AIDS
OK,now let us plan to cure this adversity, since the scientific communities at large, only utilize, smoke and mirrors, drug induced symptoms,subliminary disease suggestions , and dirty pharmaceutical money,
to further their corrupt agenders, and do not in essense value human life, above these afore mentioned adversions."
" Physician Heal Thyself;