Some things I know for sure from my NDE but other things I can only say with what I witnessed as a soul body(or orb of light) in heaven and often times what I know in my spirit does not translate real well in this physical world. While lining up with the other souls to return to earth, I was one of millions of white orbs of light returning to earth or wherever we were all going. Perhaps, I was in a sense reincarnated...only into my old body because I died...went to heaven...and returned to my same body. You see how that doesn't fit the reincarnated mold. So if there is one anomally, perhaps there are many other ways to desribe our visit(s) to earth than saying reincarnated. I sure am not going to say that all of those souls lined up to leave heaven were all NDE's. There were millions of missions that we were lining up to do. Perhaps many were reincarnators but I don't want to say it because it is not the whole truth. There is more to it than just saying reincarnated. It is bigger than that. I want to explain it better but at this time, I do not have the vocabulary to say it. From time to time, I get a little information from what I see, read, or intuit that makes a moment in my NDE become more relatable but reincarnation to me is an oversimplication of what I experienced.
I like Ayehasherayeh's "peas in a pod" soul grouping idea though. MY cousin and I call each other "podlings" or "other pea" from time to time. People think I am weird because I don't seem to have the same priorities and thought patterns. Maybe I am not even in the same species as most people. Since my NDE, my priorities have become even more pronounced. There are so few people who even seem to have any of my priorities. It makes being here a kind of chore.
As far as heavenly relationships go, we have soul friends in heaven and soul families in heaven and why wouldn't we share with each other before we travel to our flesh body on earth? Ask the question and then wait for the answer. I still feel very connected with some of my biological family members who have gone to the other side and even some friends whohave died. It is not as if they speak to me but sometimes they just share comforting impressions or sometimes I get a sense of warning from them about other people's motives.
There are lots of alignments we get agree to participate in when we come here but sometimes I think an NDE might be a way for God to remind us that we have some other things to work on while we are here. I have a strong dislike for war from some experiences in heaven but before my NDE, I was consumed with thoughts of war. I wanted very much to experience war but after my NDE, I can not use my energy to want any kind of war. It is like throwing your paycheck down a well. I see people ramping up hate toward other nations as being out of alignment with what we are here to experience. I believe that kind of use of our time on earth is because we became distracted by the worldly and forgot our purpose. Sometimes I feel so frustrated that everyone does not see that. Frustration is certainly not a soul thing though so I know that this may be more of the learning that I came back to learn. I want to get to a place where I can let that frustration go. When I play into that frustration, I am usually adding to the problem instead of helping. We all have spiritual jobs to do and we align with others to do those jobs. Distractions like war, sex, making money may be necessary to want to want to remain here but we should remaian true to our mission of love to get the most out of this journey as possible. I keep on typing but I am not relating it well. I hope you can forgive my lack of clarity.
There are some universal laws that I did come to understand while I was in heaven. Whatever you lovingly give, you get back many times what you have given. Giving is like the spiritual capital of our souls. That doesn't say it exactly right but more or less you get to keep whatever you gave in your 3D memory of your life experience and what you lovingly received while you are on earth to keep forever. These gifts are what makes each of us who we are in heaven.
I have had many deja-vu experiences as well. I have even had some memories of other lives. Overlapping lives is not something I experienced in my NDE unless, considering that I saw every moment from the beginning of the creation of earth until it explodes into a huge fireball, that is a kind of deja-vu? I saw it on the molecular level and from a distance so in a way, I have seen into the future and while that is not a classical deja-vu, the deja-vu's I have had could be explained that way. I believe we are living in a kind of 3D CD experience as everything has already happened. I don't know how they all We already planned it all out and now we are just experiencing it. Surely, if we planned this all out then we all can see ahead if we want to but generally speaking, there is a kind of agreement to forget the future while we are experiencing the here and now because it ruins the fun or there is some kind of spiritual law that makes knowing the future a less than rewarding experience.
I love your quote, "Maybe lives are like clothes. We can put them on and take them off, and also borrow or lend." That makes sense to me.
Thank you Janaki for bringing me back for some more learning or unlearning. I have been so far removed from my NDE for months. I see the future as a very troubling time and I guess I have been getting too caught up in the drama to remember that we are here to learn from our experiences as well. Thank you for being my teacher today.