Hi #29003
Having had both problems, I can tell you what helped me.
I would douche with about 5-10 drops of
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract (GrapeFRUIT Seed Extract) and allow the water to flow onto the exterior area as well. That helped a lot and is very inexpensive. I used Nutribiotic liquid GSE.
I took Michrohydrin and that resolved the issue completely! However, it is exensive and costly to keep up. I now take Megahydrin which costs less and does the job and when I run out, within a week or so, the problem returns. Search the web for both products. Both are antioxidants that destroy free radicals, so that leads me to believe I have a lot of free radicals but I believe yeast if my major problem. I can't say enough good things about both products. They help a lot of maladies.
I use hydrogen peroxide in my armpits and private area after every shower (
Colloidal Silver is another choice, but very expensive unless you make it yourself). Sometimes the privates foam up right after the shower, so bacteria is quick to breed there, and I will also use a diluted solution of
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and spray that on too. In my armpits, I rub some tea tree oil at night before bed (too smelly to use duing the day). I don't have any armpit odor at all anymore.
I have done all the organ cleanses, yeast cleanses, etc, but this problem is very persistant for me and I have to keep at it.
Hope some of these tips help. However, in the long run, you have to find the underlying cause. Good luck.