Hi Donna & Eileen,
Yes, you're both welcome to come
relax on the beach, which is just two blocks from my home. You can
join me in your dreams or in person:
you choose!
The ocean is my Significant Other.
It's a rare day indeed that I don't
take a long walk south on the beach.
The ocean satifies all of my senses;
the sight of the waves breaking in
endless rolls; the lyrical sound
of the sea; the perfumed spray of
the surf; the soothing touch of the
warm water (84 degrees today); and
the taste of salt spray on my lips.
I talk to the Deva (spirit) of the
Ocean every day, and thank her for
the many blessings she gives me so
generously. I remind her that I love
her, I have always loved her, and
I always will love her. And I'm
pretty sure she hears me. We have
a reciprocal love affair.
So, yes, it would be wonderful for
both of your girls to spend some
quality time on the beach. Taking
a nap on the beach is especially
refreshing because of all the energy
you're taking in through your senses.
And after a snooze, we can fly my
kites! I have the best collection of
single-line kites in South Florida,
and I love to paint the sky with
exotic shapes and fantastic color.
I often put up 15 kites at one time.
They're anchored by sandbags, which
sit atop the reels. Picture a giant
yellow octopus, two 14 ft. scuba
divers, male and female. dancing green frogs, a huge pink teddy bear,
enormous flamingos, cranes, and
pelicans, and a wide variety of other critters. The sky comes alive!
The best part of what I call my
kite-playground is that I let other
people fly the kites; adults and
children both. Some days I'll have
20 people flying kites, while their
kiddies play with kite-spinners I
made. They're kites on a stick, which are better for little children
than the big kites. Everyone enjoys
themselves thoroughly. Names aren't
important. The only thing that counts is being spontaneous and having fun. I've flown kites with
people from more than 100 countries.
And all of those folks had at least
one pleasant dream about their
special day on the beach. I know
that's true, because the kites told
me. They love to visit us in our
So you both have an open invitation,
Eileen & Donna. And I hope Paulette
can join us. She is the catalyst
that brought us together.
If you can't make it to Palm Beach
County this year, put it on the list
for some time in the future. Till
then, I'll ask the kites to visit
you in your dreams.