Hiya Garcia!
My naturpathic doctor was very big on baths. The basic protocol was this:
40 mg of Niacin (the regular kind, not the time-release non-flush kind - you WANT to flush). Takes about 20 minutes for it to really work.
dry brushing
Hot bath as long as the water is warm. Use loofah or some kind of scrub and keep scrubbing.
when you get out, wrap up in towels/bathrobe and get under the covers and keep sweating!
Things to add to bath:
some kind of salt, to make sure toxins are drawn out of skin and don't go back. Epson salts or
Sea Salt work great. Baking soda is good too. About a cup total, or two if that's all you're adding.
Powdered Ginger. Buy a huge bottle from one of those stores that specialize in selling large amounts. You want about 1/2 to 1 cup of ginger. This really helps the pores give up their toxins.
Oatmeal. Very soothing for the skin! Doesnt' really help detoxing but will help with skin problems.