ok. but again you are focusing on the physical when really your problem is you don't trust her and also youare forgetting that she may jstu be feeling blky from having intimacey compromised.
reread my post.. share with her your concerns over her talking to or meetign with her ex.
it is a valid one be nice.
when i very first got married (ouch has it been so long ago..) my (then ) husbands ex wanted to get with him for many odd reasons and often aske dhim to meet her alone.
i came righ tout/ hey if she needs this or that youtell her coem here and get it.. sheis on left it here...
and it doesn t look good to others to see you in public alone with ex when they know youare newly married to me.
i amd eit clear.. any interactiosn with his ex i wanted doen with openly and with me.. i had no porblems with her...
as far as i was concerned/ just simply come and get them we will both be here at x time and have it ready for you .
amzing ho wquickly she stoppped asking for minor littel things to be brought to her...
you coudl do the same... hey np if wan tto talk to ex, lets go together... stand your ground. if they need private time
take along a friend and have a picnic.. and tha twya she can talk with himwhatever it is/ and your presence will stillb e there..
now .. if she is not willing to do that.. hen i would reconsider that here may be soem thing to hide.
she has made a comitment in a way to you . and you should be her #1 priority not her ex. he is a bog boy / if he needs help sortign stuff out/ then he needs tak eit elsewhere.. he is dishonoring your relationship to start with by askign to see her or carrying on tiem spent with her which shoudl be time with you or her other personal friends. he may be confusing her and jstu fo rhis own ego sake tryign to get her back just to prove to himself that he can.. soem guys are lik ethat. next time she goes to see him/ pullon a coat and smile nice and say i'd liek to coem along i need tiem with youand a breahter form ehre anyhow, let s go grab a take out meal and bring it along np..
act liek tehre is nothign wron gin wah tyouare suggestions or tha tyouare even suspicious/ if she gets weird and balks and nervous and hems haws then i would say hmmmmmmm (things that make you go hmmmm? )