good ways to gain wt and yeet eat healthy are check out your good foods and pick the most calories of each.. like sweet potatoes over reg potatoes
be peas over reg beans
start using mor ehealthy oils like peanut oil/ olive oil/coconut oil etc
my son uses coconut oil liek butter/and i tend to use the olive oil...
you need a good healthy in take of oil in your body to keep a balance d system of nourishing/ cocnu toil also is antiparasitic..
bananas are more fattenign than an dorage say.. etc. jstu get a good claorie counter off foods / youcan pprobalby fidn one... in a check out lien even smll/ handbook
and make good choices form there.. i think if youahve doen weight buildign muscle before you know it is better to gain weight/ then buidl the muscle then be underwt and tryign to buidl muscle........it is earlymorning and i dont knwo the exact chemical reasons fo rthis.. but jsut for now focus on lt exercises adn regainign your energy health and wt loss / tehn pursue teh muscle hard training..
Ami B.