HI, I'll try to help you telling you what I know, giving you some sources to look at, and then it will be up to you.
A good diet does not have sugar,flour,hydrogenated oils, trans fat oils, margerine, nutri-sweet or soy.
A low fat diet is bad for your health as there are various vitamins that are only fat soluable, and you get them from fat. And, most important, fat does not make you fat, excess simple carbs make you fat by raising your insulin and causing the liver to store the resulting extra glucose as fat.
My daughter in law is a case in point. She had trouble with her gall bladder a few years ago and I got her to go on the atkins diet, and her problems settled down and she said she slept better eating the atkins way. Up to that time she thought fat caused her gall bladder to act up. Turned out not to be the case.
The more whole, unprocessed foods you can eat the better. Anything that comes in a box has so many toxic
additives as to make it non food. You will have to do a lot of research and learn to read labels. Some would have you believe a vegetarian diet is the only way to go, a link below will explain some of the pitfalls of that kind of diet. The hallelujah diet is supposed to be a good one. Read at the link below about the vitamin deficiency caused by it.
So as you can see, telling you what to eat is not an easy thing. If you have thyroid problems you should avoid cruciferous veggies, ie: cabbage, brussel sprouts, broccoli, soy, etc. These prevent the uptake of
Iodine needed by your thyroid. Personally I like the atkins but the zone is good too. Do a google search on any of these things and read read read. If you have been eating a junk diet, you need to learn what is good and what is not, try the foods and see how you do with them. It will be a steep learning process, but worth the effort. I hope I have helped some.
google for low carb
I put these here because sometimes my clickables don't take. Omie