I'm interested to go longer with the fast this time like you did.
I'm impressed with your testimony but I guess I should be able to do it!
Even though I'm very excited about the cleaning/detox, right now I want to go deep in my weight problems ( still about 30
pounds over and my baby is now 2 years old,,, I should be doing better than that! ) I lost 25
pounds with 2
Master-Cleanse (working out didnt do any change before the MC),,, during Holidays I gained 8
pounds back ( not going to the gym was not helping me keep track of my bad habits!),,, quite depressing,,,But I'm working back on it early enough to not let it feel too comfortable in me and stuck!
After I'm done with this 3rd
Master-Cleanse ( we'll see how long) I will do a 2nd liver flush, I am so excited about it! Isn'it incredidle to get rid of all those stones just like that!
I will experience the
Bowel Cleanse sometime, but I believe I got rid of some kind of a "plaque" or extras during my 2nd MC, ,,,, is it possible??And also a lot of mucous, I feel clear in my chest -while I was having chronic bronchitis-. I have no environment allergies while on MC, and now is one of the worst time of year here in AZ!
I came from Europe 4 years ago and very sensitive to the flore out here!
thanks Rhonda for your encouragements