js uk
Hi all,
I happened to find this website earlier this evening and have read just about all of the messages in the thread with a great deal of interest.
Before I go any further I would like to say that I am a certified metabolic typing advisor with the Bill Wolcott system. Therefore you can judge for yourself if i am biased or not.
I am also a personal trainer and first came accross metabolic typing around 1.5 years ago whilst reading an article that was written by Paul Chek - Paul Chek is regarded by most personal trainers as one of the worlds leading authorities on exercise and nutrition. You only have to take a quick look at his client list and certification program to realise how effective his methods are (www.chekinstitute.com). Well, I was reading one of his articles on nutrition because I knew that there must be a more effective approach to nutrition than I had been taught on all of my previous personal training courses and the books I had read to date. Shortly after the article I purchased a copy of the Metabolic Type Diet Book by Bill Wolcott and went through the self test to establish my broad type. Throughout the reading of the book and following the guidlines I kept a complete open mind about the effectiveness of the program.
I experienced considerable benefits in terms of increased energy levels, mental clarity, weight stabilisation and increased athletic performance. Therefore a few months later I decided to go one step further and take the intermediate online program. The results of which I found to be extremely impressive. The Metabolic Typing program (from Bill Wolcott) is the most effective part of the offering I now have as a personal trainer.
I did find the
Conspiracy theory extremely interesting and although I am by nature a bit of a sucker for these kind of stories I certainly have not found any flaw in the Bill Wolcott system thus far.
Also in Bill Wolcott's book there are lots of references to other extremely usefull resources and a number of other books are mentioned that are extremely valuable additions to my collection. One of these books is called "Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon". This book was the first book to introduce me to the many ways that politics influences the public's perceptions about nutrition and describes politically correct nutrition. If Bill Wolcott was part of this
Conspiracy it seems unlikely that he would have directed me to a wonderful resource that has enabled me to appreciate just how much we have all been misinformed by our governments in the US and the UK.
If you dont read Bill Wolcott's book at least read Sally Fallon's book.