Can folks help me identify the
parasite I am seeing in my stool?
They are about one-eighth of an
inch long (1 mm), white in color, round in cross-section. In appearance they are like, say, a garden grub, but are much, much smaller. It would take three or four of them to equal the size of a grain of white rice, for example.
They are very active. After making a bowel movement (on a piece of newspaper, so I can look at it), I can just wait and watch for 30 sec to a minute and dozens of them will rise to the surface of the stool. They actively move around on and in the stool, looking like tiny dolphins surfacing then diving into the sea again. They are definitely live animals, not
Tapeworm egg segments.
A few hours later they will have all died ... looks like they dry out. What is left is tiny white specks, a dozen or so would equal the volume of a grain of rice.
I looked through the photo gallery, but nothing there was close in appearance. Could these "worms" be the larveal stage of something more ominous?
Anal itching is my only symptom. Now in the USA, I did spend several months in SE Asia last year.
I have just started a
Wormwood , Cloves,
Black-Walnut regimen, and have ordered a Zapper ... all thanks to what I have read here. I am curious as to the exact species of my little guests, with an idea to zapping at a specific appropriate frequency or learning some other treatment specific to this critter.