A few years back, basically everything on the Ascension Alchemy site was read and enjoyed.
Via a trigger today, checked the site and this was something new:
“We’re suggesting you didn’t fall at all; you gathered here to create an adventure that never was (no planet has consciously gone through the metamorphosis you call ascension; it has happened, but not by choice and not with full consciousness). In the process of this adventure, implicate in this process is the key that will take you beyond the cosmic traps.”
“It is your love, humanities love that has called us. You are renowned throughout the universe for your fierce love. Those that gather around this sweet planet do so like moths around a light; they did not come to save you, they came to watch your love give birth to the Dream. Yes, within duality there is…..duality; some would hinder-but as we bow to your love they cringe in that radiance. What has been called evil is more to be pitied then feared- “dip-sh_t” is the phrase you use. Some give it power through their fearful attention and write books on psychic self defense-but it is your love and the caring that springs forth and the kindness that reaches out from that love that is your “defense” if any need be. There is a universal saying, in the worlds of form, translated in as many languages as you can imagine:
Goodness (kindness in action born out of love) and Truth (born out of the Stillness of your Being) shall prevail.”
“However if one holds on to the physical aspects of alchemy you just go into the finer aspects of the physical and end up talking about the microtubles or nanotubles, and on that level you are talking about nano-chemistry and the latest new age nanocolloids. Holding onto m-state/ormus on that level is just chopping a hamburger into finer and finer pieces until you get a puree; good for baby food. There are discussions now of "filling" those tubules with m-state elements; biochemists will recognize how silly that is, they are neither full or empty . These are tiny nanosize reflections of strands of light and it would be of more use to speak in terms of music than quantum flux m-state or ormus.
“We are not making this up, it is an actual quote from a forum by one of those "special" guys that a customer emailed. Those of you who have 16 year olds, especially boys, totally recognize the manner of speech and know well the spiritual maturity, or spiritual age of the writer. We could have talked together for paragraphs and not explained as well as that quote. One can be an intellectual genius and yet remain a spiritual adolescent with all the "I know--you don't" and enticing promises. Always entertaining with secret societies military intelligence and wonderful drama. And although obvious to most of you reading there are still folks new to this who will listen to promises put forth. The negative ego has a counter part to the above; which is that you are "less than", if listened to you will truly sell yourself short. So the two aspects of negative ego--special, secret etc. draws the other aspect, less than, to dance together. Some may end up wasting precious time with those with superb intellects and enticing communication skills regarding metaphysics and spirituality but a lack of real spiritual maturity.”
“Do you think the Ancient Sisterhood/Brotherhood of this planet think of themselves as "spiritual elites" or communicate in such an adolescent manner?”
“Alchemy can and should be a path to Divinity, to lead beyond any external formulas, external societies, to more of who you truly are. “
“and because of who you are you move to act
in your way
on the streets
in a magicians circle
in the depth of meditation
the key is compassion”
“and know
within duality
this "battle" was over
the moment we stepped on the field
by we - we mean you now
words that some need to see
and then release
into the silent essence”