I reccomend just what you're using!
Also when buying herb capsules- look for Cascara Sagrada. That gently but effectively stimulates the colon to release bowel movements.
Psyllum Husk is awesome in scraping out the gunk- but I also heard that taking it too often and too long can damage the intestines.
In the intestines are things called "celia" that are part of the intestinal wall. They help digest food. Too much of harsh things like Psyllum can destroy the celia.
I only use Psyllum during a full moon -when worms are supposed to be more active in laying thier eggs., and after my period- to scrape all the last bit of residue left from Menstruation.
When taking Psyllum Husk items, make sure you take it with a lot of liquids- or your intestines will "choke"