I highly recommend you use an organic brand that has not been pasteurized. Check out your local health food store. I also recommend digestive enzymes.
I mix a full tablespoon of the vinegar with good water (never tap) or diluted juice, along with my
Clarkia . Goes down a lot easier that way. :)
The apple cider vinegar will do wonders for your digestion. My husband had chronic problems with what the medical profession calls "acid reflux", which, in my opinion, is a huge farce that is generating a ton of money for the pharmaceutical companies... but that's another story! :p Anyways, ever since I pursuaded him to come off his meds and take a Tbs. of the organic apple cider vinegar before meals three times a day, he has had NO symptoms whatsoever! And he felt the results the very same day he started.
Best of health,