To varying degrees, people needing bowel cleansing may have intestinal damage, leaky gut and/or lack of tone to the muscle that is responsible for peristalsis. I may have inadvertently "repaired" my intestines along the way by using primal defense and other probiotics between, and during cleanses. Months before my first cleanse I cleaned up my diet; no
Sugar or
Sugar substitutes, wheat, processed/hydrogenated oils/fats, and NO processed foods. I also started juicing, mostly greens. In addition, I eat at least 50% of my food raw. I have always tried, health permitting, to maintain an exercise program. All of these things may have helped healing along. My first cleanse was with Colonix. My second cleanse was with
Oxypowder and I think I remember reading on their website something about the oxygen releasing ability of the product helping the intestinal lining and peristalsis to repair along with aiding good bacteria, if I am not mistaken. I used Colosan for my third cleanse and now for maintenance. I believe after trying all three products I prefer the oxygen cleansers.
I waited at least 4 weeks between the three cleanses. I am 50. All my life I have eaten immensely better than those around me (I have never had a sweet tooth and
Sugar was easy to give up), I still ate what I consider the Standard American Diet (SAD).
My problem I believe was a gradual worsening of assimilation and elimination due to degrading liver function after a bout of bad hepatitis when I was 27 - 28 AND lots of faith in conventional medicine and their pharmaceuticals, which I believe helped to make things worse by further clogging my liver and interfering with proper elimination creating what seemed like a lifelong struggle with constipation.