You can take
parasite cleansing herbs no matter kind of diet you eat or what condition your body/bowel is in.
It is almost impossible to avoid eating
parasites or
parasite eggs, as they are found in almost all natural foods, produce, meats, and seafood. What we want to do in
parasite cleansing, is kill the ones we have and then make our bodies healthy enough that when we do consume parasites/eggs, that our body can easily get rid of them...like our body is meant to do (and WILL DO!).
To accomplish this, the digestive tract needs to be flowing freely and working efficiently,(two to three bowel movements daily) which usually is accomplished by doing a thorough
Bowel Cleanse and adjusting our digestive tract to be as alkaline as possible. (
parasites AND cancer cannot thrive in an alkaline environment). The best way to do this is by "eating alkaline", here's a link to a site I found with a basic food chart:
Meats are probably the most difficult thing for our bodies to digest and assimilate . I am NOT a vegetarian, but I limit my meat & dairy take extremely whenever I am doing a cleanse of some kind. My body needs the extra energy to neutralize, process, and eliminate all the toxins it is releasing, and eliminating meats & dairy helps my body to 'get done' what I'm telling it to do (and I feel MUCH better while I'm cleansing because of it).
I think that probably MORE than answered your question, but it wasn't a "yes or no" type of question :)
Yours in health,