You wondered how you would lower your intake of starches and still
gain muscle, right? I did some searching on the web and found this
information by a bodybuilding champion and trainer. He writes:
"Is the low carb/high protein diet the best way for bodybuilders to get ripped or just another fad? From a bodybuilding standpoint, the answer is an unequivocal yes; reducing carbohydrates really works! Most bodybuilders can't get that "ripped" look without some degree of carb restriction. Almost every bodybuilder or fitness competitor I’ve ever met uses some version of the low carb diet when getting ready for competition. The problem is, most people fail to take into account their goals and their unique body type, so they follow the advice of the latest "low-carb guru" and take the carb restriction too far. Zero carb or close to zero carb diets are in my opinion, TOTAL INSANITY!"
Here's the web site, so you can read more:
He also has a book on bodybuilding and diet. He's saying to cut back on starches. The ones that I mentioned that could be clogging
your system. He's also saying not to cut back to zero. How many
servings of starches do you have a day? Are some of them dry snack foods that aren't nutritious, like chips, crackers, white bread or buns, and desserts? Those are all drying and hard for people who tend to be dry to digest. I've read that there are mixed messages about how to eat and build muscle, especially is you're getting your information from bodybuilder magazines. Check the web site and you may want to order the man's book for some guidance on a diet that works better for you.
Congratulations on getting the triphala and having it work for you.
It is natural and good for your system, so I would suggest continuing to take that as well as adjusting your diet. Maybe write
down what you are eating each day and learning which foods or snack
items cause constipation. Then make a separate list of those as the
foods to avoid. Do certain foods cause gas and bloating or discomfort in your stomach? That's a way to tell that your body
is not digesting it well. Put those on your avoid list. How much
olive oil or flaxseed oil is in your diet? You could take a tablespoon of each every day to keep the digestive track lubricated. If you don't like the taste, put some juice in with it.
I would suggest doing these changes before investing in a colema board. I would be interested in seeing a list of how many servings
of starch you are eating in a day and what they are ( a serving is
a half cup). Also, how many servings of non-starch green or yellow
or orange vegetables are you eating - broccoli, spinach, summer
squash, carrots, (which are very moisturing to the colon - adding a
cup of steamed or boiled carrots with butter to your daily diet could make a big difference), also eat an avocado every day-it's
very helpful to the bowels. How many servings of protein and what
kind. And how many servings of good fats. I hope you'll write back
with this information. It will be a good start to really looking at
your diet. By the way, healthy fats do not create fat.