i have done them weekly because of the pain.
9 cleanses. i have done
Hulda Clark the worse = 20 stones.
classic coke the 2 best- 150 stones about every time.
the claude lewis was the best but made me sick. just have to make sure you have a whole day where you can sleep because that is what happen to us. never ate until 5 pm that night. i pass 600 stones.
total of about 1500 stones.
i do tintures of
Black-Walnut , clove, worm wood, for paraites
mint and rhubarb for the bowel. just help
i also take phosfood 2 days a week 3 x a day at 20 drops each.
the problem i have is i think i will wait 2 weeks. then by wednesday i start to have a stuck stone again.
i do the tinctures every day 1 or 2 times.