John Cullison
So I've been taking Cell Food & Hydroxygen Plus oxygen supplements for the last few weeks.
About four weeks ago, my son got a little ill. He slept for a day straight, and we gave him some
Colloidal Silver and zapping (plus everything else, including Cell Food), and he quickly recovered.
My wife also got ill. She similarly killed it quickly with the silver and zapping. She's also been taking Cell Food and a silica product during this time -- not a lot, because we don't want her to experience any strong cleansing reactions while she's pregnant.
I got ill at about the same time as my wife. That first Thursday, I was up until Friday morning, about 6:00 AM or so, having endured a fever the likes of which I'd never experienced before. I used
Colloidal Silver and zapping, and the fever mostly abated by Saturday. The sore throat (which never blossomed into a full strep throat -- it was very mildly sore the whole time) dissipated by Monday.
My daughter got the sore throat thing about half a week later. She got over it in a few days (she resists zapping and silver...).
Other than the fever and the sore throat, none of my family members had any other symptoms. But since my illness -- for two and a half weeks -- I've had nothing but a constant stream of phlegm and mucous from my sinuses and lungs. Two and a half weeks. And there's no sign of it stopping.
This stuff has ranged the gamut of colors. It's fairly disgusting to consider.
My question... is this an oxygen cleansing reaction, or am I just the slowest damn healer in the world? I'm guessing that this illness plus the oxygen turned on my immune system, sending it into "mucous overdrive". I'm curious if anyone else has ever experienced anything like this... Anyone?