I have had two bouts of severe pain this morning with my second olive oil and
Epsom Salt flush. (So bad, that I almost went to the emergency room again with the second attack.) The first flush I did, went very smoothly with very little pain. I passed about 300 green stones and 3 of them were about the size of a nickel. I felt so good after the first flush that I waited too long (a month) to do another. I had another gallbladder attack about four days ago, so I decided that it was time to do another flush. I did everything correctly, just like I did the first one. Fat-free foods until 2:00 yesterday, fasting after that.
Epsom Salts at 6:00 and 8:00 and olive oil at 10:00- went to bed IMMEDIATELY afterwards. I woke up this morning very early (first one I slept straight through the night) with some pain. I drank my third dose of
Epsom Salt at 6:00 and then again at 8:00. In between the 6:00 and 8:00 doses, I had two severe attacks. I have passed about 200 very very tiny green stones this time, but nothing like the first one. Why so much pain with this flush and close to none with the first flush? Am I doing something wrong? I am so scared that I am going to get another attack because when I get one I feel like I am going to die. I planned on doing flushes every two weeks until I don't pass anymore stones- but if they all hurt like this I can't do it. I am 22 years old and I really do not want to have my gallbladder removed. Any support or advice would be greatly appreciated.