hi, you are having die off. we all experience this at one point or another (mostly in the beginning but sometimes throughout the different stages of the cleanse) no matter what cleanse you do.
it's just the stuff you are killing releasing toxins into your bloodstream because it's getting killed at a fast rate.
drinking water is easier if you put a few drops of organic lemon it it..i personally hate the taste of pure water and gag if i have to drink more then i want to.
hmmm...what else...oh,
coffee enemas are excellent for die off symptoms...for me anyway they relieve fever, pms, blating, gas, light depression, and the list is long.
you may want to try it if you feel very bloated and fluish.
good luck! ps - it took me a month to start seeing results and this all happened after a liver flush. the doors just swung open and i saw results for 4 months after that! so hang in there and be patient! (i was on the clark cleanse and later on paragone)