No, paper is still in progress--but had a long talk with my prof, who is currently in Cuba. Being the nice guy that he is, he granted me a two-week extension to complete it.
My plan is to finish it off between now and Saturday, and then use the following week--Spring Break--to get my issues worked out.
Still not having regular b/m's and seem to vacillate between some relief from the constipation, only to return to it--although not as acute as from my last post.
Have stopped the shakes temporarily, just taking time to listen and pay close attention to my body, but continuing to drink lots of water and semi-fasting (fruit, vegetables, natural juices, light meals only once/day and probiotics).
Have noticed more gas (odorless) but better digestion/processing
and a lot less discomfort. Still pain in abdomen, which worries me. A self check of the entire area results in feelings of tenderness on left side of torso--which simply tells me that I need to get things moving. Lower abdominal discomfort comes with the cycle of the colon/rectum filling w/next meal--so I know it's a bowel issue.
My plan over break was to go back on the shakes, and increase them to 2/day, combining that with the probiotics (acidophilus), increased liquid and more frequent castor oil packs. Don't know if this will help, but like your post said, I feel like there's alot to get out. Will do fleet enema after class today.
Question: Have you tried the Paragone
parasite products (can't find
Clarkia ), and what fungicide are you using?
I'm short on funds until my next fellowship installment (early May)so cost of these products is an issue right now.
Also trying to figure out when to do the liver flush, but feel I should get things moving substantially before going that next step.
Any recommendations/suggestions appreciated.
Sounds like you are just making all kinds of progress!! Way to go, Jay! Awesome.
Cheers and blessings,