People that do things that hurt you, don’t really know what they’ve done,
because they are living in separateness.
Loving God gives you the opportunity to know your inner self. That will shatter the illusion of separateness.
There is risk, fear & uncertainty in everything that involves learning.
The difference between what’s alive & dead is growth, if it’s plants or us.
Everything we fight, only weakens us & blinds us to the opportunity presented to us.
If you can’t change something in your life that you don’t like, then change your attitude about it.
Needing other people’s approval is like saying “Your opinion of me, is more important than my opinion of me”.
Don’t equate your self-worth with how well you do things in life. You aren’t what you do. If you are what you do, then when you don’t, you aren’t.
Your self-worth cannot be true when given by others. If you depend on others for your value, it’s other-worth.
You can change your thoughts to where you never have negative thoughts. You & only you choose your thoughts.
If you don’t control your thoughts, try & make a list of those who do.
There is no anger, wickedness, sorrow, fear, doubt, worry, suffering, depression, in the world, only those thoughts & behaviors.
Feelings don’t just happen to you. Feelings are physical reactions to the thoughts you’ve had.
“The Now” is a unique place where you can be so involved that you don’t have time for unhappy or unproductive thoughts.
Anyone who gives pain or damage to others, inflicts it upon themselves & must answer to it at some point.
People stop telling you about their hurt or hateful feelings, when they see those feelings don’t affect you & don’t control you AT ALL. They may ask to see how you would handle those feelings & that’s your chance to remove hurt & hate in the world.
People that do things that you don’t like are doing that because that is all they have to give. Being disturbed by it is like being disturbed because fish can't talk.
Any time you are upset or hurt by something some one else did, is when
you’ve given up control of your life to someone else.
A lot of problems come from not being willing to open yourself to everything, for fear of being hurt.
If you think you're upset, you seldom disappoint yourself.
When other people get upset, always remember that they own the upset & that you can refuse to join them.
The people that cause you the most anguish, show you what you want most or are most lacking in yourself.
When you detach yourself from things, they don’t own you anymore.
Life gives it’s self to you expecting nothing in return. You can fight it or enjoy it. If you fight it, you can’t enjoy it.
There is no scarcity of opportunity to live the life you want. Only the scarcity of will to make it happen.
Make a list of the labels you put on yourself & know every one of them is a boundary or limit you put on yourself.
Worrying about something you can’t change won’t solve anything, & worrying about something you can change won’t solve anything, so why worry?
Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It occupies your time, but you don't get anywhere.
Live in the world, but not of the world. Learn to accept or ignore the outside world & realize that true wisdom is invisible to the world.
If you think every solution is outside of yourself, you’re living in an illusion. The fact is every problem you have is first experienced in the mind & the solution is in the same place.
Belief is the way you can make anything happen.
Do you believe it with your mind? Then it can be made physical.
What’s the difference between a person who learns how to swim & someone who can’t? Is it that one has that physical ability & the other don’t? No, it’s one has that belief & acts on it & the other doesn’t.
The whole universe has energy everywhere. If you stay quiet long enough & look within, you can tune in to this & be part of it, which you already are without knowing it.
Don’t try to please anybody, or you’ll become their slave. The only way to inner peace is pleasing God.
When you truly have inner peace, you’ll find it’s almost impossible to be controlled or hurt by anyone.
Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. It’s the same world. Which world do you choose?